Contact Person
Jim Hanson
Annual Revenue
$ 1,275,574
$ 600,000
$ 221,447
Service Business
Year Established
2 (including owner)
This consistently profitable business involves the sale and service of stand-by electric generators to the agriculture market in Indiana, Illinois and Michigan.
The company's annual revenues are split equally between sales of new units and service on previously sold units. All brands sold are established brands.
Currently the business consists of the owner and one service technician.
This is a good opportunity for an existing business already working with farmers in Northern Indiana and Southern Michigan.
Market Conditions & Competition
There is very little competition for the agriculture niche.
Farmers are required by their insurance carriers to have annual servicing done on their generators, so the service business is very stable.
Both the owner and the service tech want to retire, so the new owner would need to account for both sales and service functions during the transition.
Financial Summary
This business has been consistently generating at or above $1 million in annual revenue with discretionary cash flow of about $200,000.
Training & Support
The owner will work with the buyer to set up an appropriate transition plan that includes training and support.
Reason for Selling